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Camp Hope is a three-day overnight retreat for survivors of child sexual abuse aged 7-14 and their families. Camp Hope’s aim is to improve outcomes for families challenged with the impacts of child sexual abuse (CSA).
CSA is a pervasive problem which affects an estimated 10.1% of youth in Canada (Afifi, 2014). Research has repeatedly shown CSA survivors to be at significantly greater risk of short and long-term psychological health problems including depression, psychosis, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, personality disorders and substance abuse (Cutajar, 2010; Wallis, 2018). Additionally, evidence has shown that entire families, and particularly mothers, experience psychological distress as a result of CSA with anxiety, depression and emotions of guilt, confusion and anger being common (IICSA, 2017, Ch. 5).
Whole-family approaches along with the support of non-offending caregivers, family and community have shown to be a protective factor which can improve resiliency and recovery of survivors and their families (IICSA, 2017, Ch. 4).
Camp Hope’s sole purpose is to transform the lives of CSA survivors and their families. Beyond the trauma of abuse, the experience of being a victim of CSA can also be acutely isolating. Survivors and their caregivers often do not know anyone else who has had a similar experience, and due to profound feelings of guilt and shame often, feel that they cannot rely on their usual supports. The resulting stigma and silence surrounding abuse creates an isolation that can compound and exacerbate the trauma of the abuse itself.
Camp Hope gives participants an opportunity to belong to a group of people just like them. The Camp is a safe place, where survivors and families can grow and overcome their pasts, and where they can experience what was so violently taken from them – their childhoods.
The cost to host the children/youth and their families at Brigadoon VIllage is approximately $18,500. As therapeutic support for child sexual abuse is so limited, our goal is to ensure that Camp Hope remains free to these families so that it is accessible and available to all. We are asking for you to help ensure that this group has the opportunity to spend a weekend at Brigadoon and receive the support that they deserve and need.
Thank you for all of your support!