sara graham's swim page !
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If we know each other you know I really believe in Brigadoon Village. I believe in the power of camp and the outdoors in changing young people's lives. I believe in the accessibility of these things being available to all children too.
Brigadoon Village is close to my heart for SO many reasons. I hope you'll support me in sending kids to camp. I can't encapsulate all the reasons I am doing the big swim in this page, but hopefully friendship is as good a reason as any.
Marjorie Lindsay was a good friend to me when I first moved to Nova Scotia. She was technically my first friend here. I met her through my dad working at Brigadoon and taking me to her cottage to have tea. Mrs. Lindsay and I would have many teas together and she would give me advice about boys, school, and life in general. She was a big supporter of Brigadoon Village and of me. She always told me two things at the end of our teas together:
1. I was going to do many great things
2. Someone was going to fall in love with my chin dimple one day.
Both always made me laugh. I've started my swim training at the John. W. Lindsay YMCA, it feels appropriate to start there. Mrs.Lindsay, I hope this counts as one of the many great things that I do.
(Plus, she really believed anything boys could do I could do better and my dad has done the Big Swim before so I definitely have to do it now. I think she would really get a kick out of that too)
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