Welcome to My Personal Page
This summer, I will be taking on the BIG challenge of swimming across the Northumberland Strait and fundraising in support of Brigadoon Village!
The swim will be taking place July 28th. Swimmers start in New Brunswick & follow along the confederation bridge all the way to PEI. Distance covered by swimmers ranges from 16-21km depending on the conditions of the day. I am preparing for a 7hr swim and will be fortunate to have veteran swimmer/kayaker Ian Dawson, kayaking by my side, navigating my crossing.
I am hoping to make it across and not see any sharks. I’m just going to dive in and loose myself in the monotony of my strokes. They say, “The toughest challenges bring the greatest rewards!" - Matt Fox. Let’s hope!!
Kind thanks for your support in whatever form it comes. If you can, please help me achieve my fundraising goal of $1,750 by donating at the link below and together let’s send children to camp!!
In good health,
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